Originally Posted by Shamrock
Its very interesting how people hear what they want to hear or shall I say read what they want to read. I never claimed that I was aiming to reach that 555 horsepower from the GTM kit read and reread my post again and you'll see that all I said was I wanted to reach some nice horsepower and torque numbers. I quote "My second goal is to achieve some very nice WHP and Torque numbers that will calm all of the people sitting on the fence down." I don't understand what's hilarious about this. Almost 90 percent of the posts written about stillen are negative and all I'm saying is that I'd like to prove that the kit is really good and can make nice hp. Thanks anyways for chipping in after page 9 :-)
But it can't. It's a mediocre kit that can make mediocre hp, and we've seen as many blown motors with it as other options, so it's not even any safer. The only mitigating factor is that you're getting it cheap. It's not going to get anyone off the fence. We've seen build after build with that kit underperform. It's a substandard option designed for people who have to deal with CARB. You're a special case since you've got some cost issues the rest us don't have to deal with.
Originally Posted by Shamrock
PS I hardly think that "my lack of research" will cause damage to my engine as long as I have a good tune and a good kit.
You need to have a long talk with the shop that will be installing and tuning your kit. They're the people that need to be helping you. The Stillen has many cut corners that make it less reliable than other options, so you're already not getting a "good kit". Lack of research can end up with a blown motor, so talk to the tuner and take all of his advice. Don't pick and choose which parts to buy, do everything he tells you.