the biggest problems with Vista had little to do with the actual product itself. It mainly was a problem with marketing especially with the whole Vista ready campaign and computers that weren't ever going to be Vista ready. Secondly Nvidia takes a huge chunk of the blame for faulty drivers. Anyone with an Nvidia card and vista has to remember at least once seeing BSODs. The marketing campaign wasn't that impressive either and was quickly overshadowed by the much better apple ads. MS tried to come back with the I'm a PC ads but it was too little too late. I frequent Anandtech and the consensus for the most part is Vista is a good little OS especially for the fact the it's 64bit support is far superior to XP's buggy 64bit support.
What MS got right with 7. (note I will agree that it isn't some mind blowing new OS here to be your OS messiah) . However it is more responsive and leaner. It installs quickly and without any hassle. All my hardware works out of the box and if it doesn't for the most part a driver is found downloaded and installed automatically. (note I did have trouble finding drivers for a scanner from a defunct company). 7's greatest strength came in making the Beta and then the RC public allowing word of mouth to be the marketing campaign. Because in the end its people like me that adopt the Beta the RC early and use it like it then recommend it to his friends and family.
Is that a taco pie?