Originally Posted by cosmogirl
Not sure where to begin but here goes. This is my third boosted z for starters. My first was a 350z with the aps TT kit. Blew the stock motor on that and went with a built block, sold the car shortly after due to a bad divorce and the car is still running great. On my 370z I went with the gtm stage II TT kit and wanted to just stay with the stock block due to saving to buy another house. I installed the kit myself and took a lot of time doing the install so their were no mistakes. The car has ran great since the install with zero problems to speak of. To be honest the only thing I can think of is when I bought a boost controller I was having boost issues. The car was hitting 20psi of boost until I found the problem. Again no signs of any issues or noises. I drove the car to dallas and back for the clutch install and last weekend took a trip to the mountains with zero problems. At this point my guess is that when the car was overboosting is must have weakend one of the rods and when john from z1 was tuning it finally gave. I will post pictures but it looks like cylinder #5. To any of you guys about to go FI you better have some dough ready for when this kinda thing may happen. These engine are strong from the factory but are not made for boost. I do not blame Z1 for what happened and do not blame anyone. Its tough to watch your car blow a motor but the way I look at it there are a lot more things in this world to have to worry about like health issues in such. John from z1 is going to work me up a price for a short block and after everything is re-built I do plan on going back to z1 for another tune. My goal now is to shoot for 600whp since I have the stage II kit so I will need some advice from you guys who have actually tested those waters.
Thanks again for the help and kind words.. And spohn I still just don't know about you and john from z1 agrees your one odd cat. lol  pics very soon!!!
There's your problem right there. That sucks man. Good luck with the build.