Oh for Christ's sake.
Why is AMC trying to make the Governor sympathetic? Why is he even still alive? Why have they set it up where -- completely contrary to the comic --
Michonne really has no specific reason to be going after him (she was
not brutally beaten and raped by him, as in the comic), whereas the ol' Gov kind of does have a reason to be vengeful towards Michonne (she took his eye and put down his zombified daughter -- and lets not forget that in
both comic and tv show, Michonne kept zombie companions, so if THAT's Michonne's primary issue with the Gov, it's ******* ridiculous... and if it's his treatment of the others from Rick's group, it's only
marginally less ridiculous).
Oh my god -- all the writers need to be fired again and Kirkman needs to take 5 minutes to stop cashing royalty checks to try and reign in the utterly pointless plot developments of the whole freaking season
So far...
Nearly everyone who joined the group from Woodbury has died of the flu (?!)
An impossible to satisfactorily resolve power struggle reared its head between Carol and Rick, resulting in him sending her away with desperately needed supplies his group couldn't afford to lose (?!)
The Gov has a Jesus beard and is doing good deeds while he dreams about (weirdly defensible) thoughts of revenge -- thus making him a very sympathetic villain, rather than the ultra-violent, pretty much nonredeemable psychopath, torturer, murderer, and rapist he is (in the comic...).
Ugh... brains... brains... the show is eating my brains...
In other news, #19 of the comic is on its way to me