Originally Posted by scottIN
Not really any goals in particular - maybe get my bodyfat % down a bit. I'm 5'10", 155 lbs. / 15% body fat. I do P90x 6 days a week, eat well (including protein shakes & veg / fruit smoothies every day). It's more just to give me something to do while I'm watching the idiot box. I do mess around with my medicine balls, want something to supplement that. Just hard for me to sit still so I figure I might as well workout while I'm watching TV. My gym is at my office & that's where I usually work out. Figured standing there doing kettle bell swings while watching Modern Family would be fun...
Man you are small. LOL. I would suggest you get bigger but if you are happy at that weight then more power to you.
Losing weight is easy. Just eat less than what you burn. It is easier to eat 100 less calories than to try and burn 100 calories. Key thing is to find what your maintenance is. Then eat 300-500 calories under.
I was 167 lbs three months ago with 9% bodyfat. Now I am at 185 with like 15-18% bodyfat. Trying to hit 200 lbs by February. Should be easy with 3500-4000 calories.
If it is something to do then you can try and buy the kettle bell. Worst case scenario, you sell them on craigslist or let them sit.