**** happens. Metal gets hot, it weakens. You want stuff that doesn't break, put you're money where your mouth is. You're gonna pay double though for 321SS vs 304SS. Also you said version 1. How old are these? A new company probably isn't going to shell out tons of money for the highest quality 304SS. Over time their new versions might have it or they went thicker. Ragging on a company for a first gen product isn't really fair. FI mufflers first gen drug along the ground so I say screw all FI products, never buy that crap too, right? Was Kia the best of the best their first time out? They may not have a warranty but that doesn't mean Tony can't be called and asked "what should I do?"
13 370z-
Last edited by synolimit; 11-15-2013 at 09:48 PM.