Originally Posted by DEpointfive0
Equally amazed so many people pay over $600/month
yeah, me too, i thought my $593/was bad enuff...whew!!!
luckily, i only get screwed for 72 mos.---and only lost 9k on my paid off, fully loaded, lil' rocket ship, the honda '11 cr-z...
if only when i first got my first windfall and was looking at the Z w/33k in the bank from SS, not knowing 3 more windies were coming from my pensions, i'da saved thousands of dollars by just buying my first choice...thx gawd i onliest pay $200 a mos. in insurance and $120 in gas as a DD...
MY THOUSAND DOLLAR BABY GIRL..."my mid-life crisis lil' red corvette", as it were...