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Old 11-14-2013, 03:45 PM   #7052 (permalink)
A True Z Fanatic
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Originally Posted by Haboob View Post

Having them painted is a bit of a cost though too.

I also do like the idea of being able to remove it should I no longer want it that color.
you've been warned but then again that is the nice thing about plastidip is that it is not a long term commitment.

I dd my z so I bought a second set of handles. Sent those along with a splash guard (color matching) to the shop to be painted. I was going to install the painted handles myself because it seemed easy enough but the shop was nice enough to do it for me at no additional cost. Sold my original unpainted door handles to another forum member. At the end of the whole thing I think I spent $120. Pretty cheap mod considering the overall bang for the buck. On the non gray color Zs this makes such a huge difference in the appearance of the car. The lines flow better in my opinion.
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