Originally Posted by Tigger
I'll say it again. Agree to disagree. I'm not confused. So before you ostracize me over an OPINION understand that I simply don't see anything big about it.
The car itself is not a marvel. It's the computer programming that makes the car. All you have to do is point the wheel. I'm not sure why any purist would even care for a Maxima with AWD and twin turbochargers. Seriously. You want lap times, get a GTR. You want real fun? Don't. The ONLY comments I've heard from people who've driven the GTR are " it's a blast to drive" or " it's so fast". Whoopie-do. Everything else from what I hear is boring. It takes all of the fun out of driving.
All I want is a small, two-seater, light, fast, AWD vehicle. I'm hoping someone is going to deliver.
Is there anything else you'd like to try to bash me for over this opinion? I mean, while we're calling each other out over a forum and all... 
LoL..don't get butthurt dude. Although I stated facts, my opinion was also laced in there. I don't know how anything I said could have made you feel ostracized. That's neither here or there. All I'm saying is that "in my opinion" all the things you mentioned in a car, it has minus the 2 seats.