Originally Posted by IDZRVIT
I use a Battery Tender vice a trickle charger which could over charge i.e. destroy your battery, over a longer period of use.
I don't think this can be stressed enough. I have a motorcycle that sleeps in the winter, and I use a Battery Tender on it.
As IDZRVIT mentioned, and for those not already aware, the Battery Tender isn't a simple trickle charger. It will keep the battery healthy, rather than just charged. It comes with a stub cord that can be hooked into the charging system by the battery so you just plug the Tender into the stub cord and unplug it as needed, no clamps on the post like standard chargers. The stub cord is relatively short with a cap for the connection to the Tender. Very convenient.
Do you have to have one? Nope. But I've never regretted getting one.