Xp8 vs xp10 carbotechs thoughts
I am on the fourth set of Carbotechs on the 370. The first three sets I had were XP10s while the last set is the XP8. The XP10 performed great except it can trigger ice-mode whenever you get to a bumpy braking zone on track from time to time. For those who experienced it, you know how scary and dangerous it is. With that in mind, I made the decision to switch over to the less aggressive XP8, hoping for less chance of ice-mode with its less aggressive bite. Well I am happy to report the XP8 did make the car less prone to ice-mode, BUT the XP8s’ bites were so bad that you feel like you get nothing during initial application of the brake pedal. It seems to take an extra split second for the pads to bite and slow the car. The lack of bite made it difficult to trust the car and dive into the corner late as you don’t know if the brakes will bite or not. Also once the pads grab, you find yourself in a situation where you slow down yourself too much. The XP8 just didn’t have the consistency like the XP10 had. Also from my datalogs, it was showing the car had more braking power with the XP10 than the XP8. So before you pull the trigger for the XP8, you might want to consider getting the 10 and learn to avoid ice mode instead (separate discussion).
Also here is the second problem with the XP8. It seems like they have the tendency to leave deposits onto the rotors for whatever reasons. In all three track days I did this quarter, my car came home with super bad vibration. The deposits eventually wore off after driving my car around on the XP8, but I don’t seem to recall the problem being this bad on the 10s. The same thing happened last year with the XP8 too, but I was able to take care of it by swapping the XP10s in and use them as sandpaper.
I do think the xp8 will do maybe one day more than the 10, maybe 2. I think They are basically good for 4 to 8 days