Originally Posted by zeeder
Unfortunately, this seems to be more a function of how the general public feels about the recent military conflicts (politically and ideologically) than an appreciation of what the brave men and women of our armed forces sacrifice for us on the daily.
So true. I joined during Vietnam, when it was more common to get spit on, than thanked.

I watched the pendulum swing the other way, knowing full well that it's going to head back the other way. If it was up to me, I'd still be on active duty, it sure made more sense than being a civilian (no whiney 'gimme, gimme, gimme' pukes). We give up the time when everyone else is getting settled into a career, to go to some God-forsaken places where people are shooting at us or we are hauling food, water and medical supplies into natural disasters to aid people that still don't like us. Then have to listen to people that say "You need to pay your dues"
As a veteran, it still kind of unnerves me when someone says "Thank you for your service." I never know how to respond.

To those that have served and are still serving, thank you.
Semper Fi