You're at 307hp now. To pick up 13, hopefully alittle more hp for $1,500 plus install. (about 6+hrs for labor) You have to think hard about choking down that pill. You already spent the money on the hfc's. Getting the lth's now meaning that the money you spent on the hfc's is wasted. Unless you can get your money back on of them. Most people I seen with the lth's are about 320~hp and about 265~torque. That's about the avg.
Think now because I'm older (57). I'm a little wiser with my money. I think my mods through a whole lot better now. LOL Instead of "hey, lets throw this on and see what it will do". To "ok, if I do this, what is the cost to me and can I expect from it, and what else does it effect".