Originally Posted by Chuck33079
Uprev adjusts the temp they turn on. The GTM fans move a lot more air than the stock ones.
Alstann, you're right on the vents being the best way to get hot air out of the engine bay. If there were a vented hood on the market I liked from a functional/aesthetic standpoint I'd start with that. I'm just not a huge fan of the options we have on that front, so I'm going to try adding the fans to the CSF radiator I've got, lowering the fan temperature more and running less antifreeze. If that isn't enough to keep temps stable, then ill start cutting holes.
I'm right there with you on that one.

I don't know if I love any vented hood enough to warrant spending money getting one, and then even more painting it. The Seibon one is my "favorite," but still, I'm a clean and simple guy for cars at the moment. I wonder if there is any plastic shrouding near the windshield we can remove, to allow the trapped air to somewhat escape from the engine bay? I've never looked.
Originally Posted by SouthArk370Z
I've always heard that's it's a bad idea to run straight water in an Aluminum engine because of corrosion. Antifreeze has corrosion inhibitors. Or is that another of my out-dated facts?
Corrosion does occur to some extent, such as mineral deposits and small amounts of rust on the aluminium. The solution is to run straight 100% distilled water, usually purchased from a grocery store. Of course, in cold climates, this is a very bad idea.