well without going into too many details because its still under development. Microcontrollers which cycle through programming upwards of once every micro second can evaluate pressure changes from transducers and react to maintain stability around a given point especially in a mechanical system. The method of pressurization is proprietary info at this point but I can say it reads pressure directly from manifold...And the system requires High amperage from the battery to operate. Theoretically if you wer able to achieve high enough amp draw out of a high enough output alternator and second battery setup you could increase the psi of the system to wherever you wanted 6, 9, 14psi whatever. We are finding for security currently that low psi is certainly achievable from the stock electronic system.
370z NISMO 0675 327 rwhp 280 rwtq - sold.
FD RX7 single turbo 508hp - sold.
Lexus IS-F 5.0L V8