Well, I did a little looking around by searching on Google. Found some people saying that the theoretical top speed is 170mph. But I don't know how reliable that info is. Like I didn't see anyone coming up with concrete evidence saying that they've done it on a track or anything like that. But more than one person said 170, so . . . I guess take it with a grain of salt?
"There are no small accidents on this circuit." -- Ayrton Senna
316.8whp & 248 ft/lbs (Dyno Dynamics) | 319whp & 256 ft/lbs (DynoJet) (04/23/10)
Stillen G3 CAI, CBE, Pulley / F.I. LTH / GTSpec Ladder Brace / Setrab Oil Cooler / UpRev-tuned by Forged Perf.