Originally Posted by UNKNOWN_370
Dude... It's true all the time. And not just in sex. Being a pushover isn't going to help in life. Being a jerk isn't what I mean either... That's where being a good man comes in. Read what I wrote again.... But think about in a deeper sense than dating and sex. Think in terms of life situations.
There's a difference between being a nice guy and being a pushover. I think we'd be on the same page if our definitions matched.

I know many women who want a nice guy, though some of them want a nice guy because they've been hurt (sometimes literally) by a not-nice guy.
And I was talking life situations as well. It's pretty relative what "nice" and "pushover" and "a$$hole" and "healthily assertive" means. I know people whom I consider a$$holes who think they're just being healthily assertive.
Read what I wrote again.