Originally Posted by DIGItonium
Put down that XBOX controller and go out with your single friends! Haha! I'm kidding.
Fun read, everyone. I think I lost a lot of productivity today from this thread. Unfortunately I think I'm catching the bug
If I feel well enough this weekend, I'm thinking about a small house party. Hopefully I can up the girl to guy ratio. Basically social events are fun, and it is good practice to have a few drinks to loosen up and talk to random girls. Don't go out with expectations and be spontaneous!
Haha, I haven't really touched an Xbox stuff in a while!
And, that's the problem: I don't have any single friends anymore, or the one or two I do have don't do anything, but go out and drink etc. or we just go golfing.
I don't drink. I don't babysit (be a DD at the bar) either, because that never ends well.
Everything y'all are saying may be easy for an extroverted person, to just go out and start up a conversation with people, but it really isn't that easy. It's not a switch that can be turned on or off. I have tried, and it only works if it's sports - sports (talking and mainly participating) is the only thing I can turn on the "I don't care" factor for. If I could find a way to bleed that over into social situations, I would be ecstatic.
And apparently when people get married, they lose all of their single female friends.

Also, it's partly how I grew up. It's difficult to relate to people my age. Older people (my parents age) I don't have a problem with at all, since that's whom I grew up with.