Originally Posted by Modshack
I got whacked in the back and pushed into the car in front of me. Strictly bolt on parts except for a frame rail extension that holds the rear impact bar (took 3 months to get). Total repairs= $7K and fixed perfectly ($3500 front, $3500 rear). Diminished value reimbursement = $2200 (31% of repair cost...My body shop told me that the average is about 25%). The party at fault had Allstate insurance. They sent an independent appraiser who specializes in diminished value out after the repairs were completed and went with his recommendation, which I thought was fair. Had it been less than $1500 I would have sought legal support.
Doesn't look that bad, but the parts behind the bumper add up, as well as the paint and detail work to make it indistinguishable from new. Car is now perfect with better paint than OEM...:-)

My accident was hit and run , can i get diminished value from my own insurance company?