What did you do right? Haha. She's got that strong sense of attraction that only you two know about. However, we can't apply that unique formula on ourselves. Drunk guy would pester me about my ex, and I told him it's none of his business. I told him it's of no use to him if I told him anyhow. Plus, he tried to hit on her and ask her out the day after he found out we broke up.
Originally Posted by ka24king
First off I'm sure that bitch didn't know "rice" from beans lol  her ex was probably some doucher who thinks anything that isent American is ricer. Also I may have missed it above but you seem like you and your ex work well together. Why can't that happen ?
Haha! She's driving a Prius and talks about the 370Z as if it's a POS over the FRS/BRZ. To each his/her own, and I didn't get butt hurt over that.
As for my ex? It surprised a lot of people. Her friends and family liked me. Even almost 2 years later they try to persuade her to come back to me. We did make a great team, though. But I think she continued to force other options away from me, and it didn't work so well. Her former friends tell me she refuses to learn her lessons and repeat her mistakes, and that she's really selfish. Last I talked to her she told me this year has been her worse from getting cited for expired tags, flat tires, financial, health, etc.