Wow... where to start....
38 here, and in the middle, or late stages or whatever of a splitup. 14 years. Son, 8.
Anyways... I get a ton more attention now from women than I EVER got in my life. I'm not a looker by any means, not hot, none of those things. But... let's just say I'm at a position in my life where I guess my "status" may seem attractive to alot of girls/women? I'm told I look younger than I am... I guess maybe I can see that.
I've dated a number of women in the last 11 months since I left home, all of them very pretty, some inexorably "hotter" than others. In fact, the one I am currently in the process of withdrawing from is probably the "hottest" of the bunch... 31, very slim, sexy, toned, half-Japanese, smoking hot face, beautiful augmented... ummm...
headlights, long black and blonde hair (tasteful), several tattoos (which I love), one of which is a very nice full left leg piece - and she has great, long, toned beautiful legs, highly educated, Vegan, opinionated and... she likes girls.
Yeah... you read that right.
So... we've been dating for maybe 4-5 months? She spends every weekend at my house when I'm not with my son. We also happen to work together, although only once every few weeks. But, when we do, I am her "superior." Then again, I kinda am everyone's superior at work. :/ But it's not awkward, and we were friends before we started dating and I am sure will be after.
Matter of fact, was just perusing the Girls & Zs thread and was thinking how well she would fit in with some of those pics... she is a ridiculously attractive girl.
But... it's just not there for me. Ya know? Physically, things are great (ya know what I mean?), and we get along just fine, share a number of interests and enjoy spending time together.
But I'm just not into a full-time relationship right now. At least not with her, somehow? And I don't think it's fair to keep her hanging on - she told me she loved me a long time ago, said it a few times over the course of a week or two... and I had some of those, "Ummmm.... thanks," kinda responses.

Yeah... I'm an ***, I guess.
I treat her well, dote on her, always open doors for both buildings AND at the car, always pay for EVERYTHING, have even given her money... gave her a grand last month, because she was a little short on funds and her baby-daddy hadn't come through. No need to pay me back, I just gave it to her and forgot about it. She didn't ask, by the way, even refused it, till I got a cashier's check in her name so no one else could cash it but her.
So this last weekend I told her I needed to ease things off a bit... her response was, "Oh my God, are you breaking up with me???" Like a real SHOCKER. I understand, she is way hotter than me, outta my league. But... it is what it is.
So she says she still wants to come hang out sometimes when she's in town, and we'll just be friends and have fun together and have sex.
Ummm.... hmmm.
What did I do wrong????