Originally Posted by Firebase99
It was a BRZ for $29 not an FRS. Never said it would be reliable either. Try tinkering with that little 2.0 that **** box has, need some work on the internals to make power, with questionable reliability. And who the f*ck cares about ANY of this sh*t???! My point was out of the box for $29 is a major rip off for this car. Praise the chassis all you want, ive said it before...a FUN handling car is not necessarily a well handling car. Big difference. Whats so "sharp" about the platform? That it gives you confidence to step the tail out at 15mph? If those itty bitty tires were any smaller Id expect to see a friggin horse and carriage pulling that "sharp" platform. Its expensive, the interior is hideous, its gutless in any gear at any RPM, it has no grip whatsover and its so overpriced i find it hard to believe all the dbags who actually bought this marketing ploy.
You're really emotionally invested in hating this car. Show us on the doll where the BRZ touched you.