Originally Posted by Iphyy
I may have rushed a little but I make over $1,000 a week and live at home and pay no rent because i work off shore have been doing that for years. I think in the whole life grand picture of all things I am doing ok. I think you guys were right to go with the sports pkg. Its raining really bad so i might not get to drive it today =(
I didn't mean what I said in a bad way, I was just trying to let you know you can make the process work better for you in the future, because I doubt this will be the only new car you ever buy, especially if you work in the oil industry. Anyways, sorry if I put a damper on your spirits a little bit, it was not my intention. Congrats on the car again and I am sorry to hear about the rain. Hope you guys didn't get bad flooding like SW of Austin.