Originally Posted by Voice59
I'm weighing it out. Thicker radiator means better cooling..correct? So 30mm is better than 14. So if the CSF radiator is 30mm plus a fan that'd be the "ideal" set up. What if I got GTM's 70mm? Would that be good enough to not get the fan? I'm just looking at options. In my mind less moving parts is less chance for error (of any kind). Unless even with that size of a radiator (not tracking the car) it'd be pointless without the fans.
If I were going FI right now I would personally do the biggest radiator I could fit. And are you talking about ditching a radiator fan altogether in exchange for a bigger radiator? I hope not! lol. But if you are talking about having an extra smaller fan, then yes, I'd still go for it. They don't just quit working like that. Like anything that is FI in the aftermarket, you always have to pay more attention to the car and watch for things that are failing on a regular basis.