Originally Posted by bigaudiofanat View Post
I still would care to have a car that I can work on myself. Just not a 133,000 dollar car that can not make it over a speed bump.
Originally Posted by shabarivas
Man you have been posting a LOT lol... but that 133k car - is just like most cars... it makes it over bumps with just as much effort as a Z... and if you are capable and confidant w/ your skills - you could work on it.. but then again... why the sh!t would anyone do ANYTHING to that car... ok ok maybe a TT but there is no way you or I are installing a TT on a GT3RS
Actually Porsche is a very simple car to work on especially a car of that magnitude. Think about it, the design of that car has been the same for 20 years. So, Porsche has had 20 years to figure out the BEST was to set that car up to make it easier to access things and work on it. 20 years to say "Hmmm, if we put THIS here and THAT there it would make this a whole lot easier to get to." I had a friend that owns a car shop/garage tell me the easiest transmission to swap out and work on is Porsche hands down and this was the reason why. You could NEVERRRRR work on an R35 GT-R because it's got soo much electronic **** on it. I'm not picking on the GT-R either because I would take one in a second haha, but the fact of the matter is Porsche is the tits. I'll take a Porsche over most other things and pay the extra no problem..of course I would take a Z06 before even a Porsche probably because of the simple price difference and the Z06 is badass !