Originally Posted by Haboob
Points expire though, don't they?
If it's just gas, etc. I can see paying it off every month, but if it's a big purchase (say exhaust + HFCs) I pay that off over a few months. Sure, there's a few bucks interest, but it's easier on the wallet. 
even if i dont board a united plane, as long as i keep using the united milage card i can keep the milage points virtually forever.
yah, if you can, try not to have any credit card balance each month. or if you have 0%apr, pay it off as you are doing.
not you, but a big mistake a lot of folks do... they base their affordability by monthly payments.

that will never get you enough savings and you will be stuck where you are. creditcards created a new definition for 'affordability' which imo is wat is killing a lot of people.
there are many people that make $200K a year living paycheck to paycheck.