Dont get me going on the "Twins". I have a very long thread on the 350z site, one on here too. To summarize..I HATE that BRZ. Most overrated POS on the planet!! My main point of contention is I priced them out, test drove two, they wanted $29K OTD for a BRZ. It handles....well its fun to handle. put it this way, stock handling SUCKS!! Because its fun to handle does not mean it handles well. Fun is not fast either, that being its completely gutless in any gear at any RPM. My sisters Honda Odyssey will show its taillights to this limp wrist. If it were 20, 21K OTD, be a different story. Needless to say i picked up a 2013 Z for a couple grand more. Z will EAT that BRZ on ANY track at any time.