Originally Posted by Chuck33079
If you lose money it's because you volunteered to. You have the opportunity to take your original investment out and leave the gains you've already made in to see if they go further. If you do this right, you have none of your own money at risk. Being greedy has a good chance of getting you killed (financially). Have you never heard the old saying "pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered"?
I'm done trying to convince you of this. If you lose any money in this deal, it is because you are being greedy and making it an all-or-nothing bet when it doesn't have to be. If a client of mine was set on doing something like this after being advised repeatedly not to sabotage themselves, I'd most likely part ways with the client. To that end, I'll stop trying to talk some sense into you. Hopefully your bet pans out, but you're playing with fire. If I were your broker, I would want you to sell out your initial investment and buy a pile of stocks that pay dividends. If your bet pans out with the remainder left in, then you sell and buy more growth. Don't take this the wrong way, but you're too old to be speculating. You don't have the years left to replace the lost funds.
You are 1,000% right. Thanks for the sensible advice. Some guys from a car shop described me as a cross between Steve Buscemi & Chritopher Walken. Most of the time I know the right thing to do or to say, but I don't. All my life I lived on the edge & several times came near seeing hell. The latest was on 4/5/13. I was taken to a hospital with serious head trauma. I woke up a week later with brain bleeding, nerve damage & the right side of my body was paralyzed. Couldn't hold a pen or move my right leg/toe. I'm o.k now. Just luck is why I'm still here. Don't believe in god or anything. If there was a hell, that would be my choice. Just cause it would be fun. Where I live there are gang/drug dealer neighborhoods close by. I sometimes take a walk at midnight into them just to raise my pulse.

I can't help it!!! Thanks again & have a good night.