Originally Posted by skidad62
^ when you make statements like above - I'm always interested in real world experiences... do you have a full cage and track experiences with tech? My RPM cage was top drawer - and our drag racing tech inspectors loved it (as long as I stayed in the 10s lol.
Not yet, but I'm getting there, and I've been reading rule books and forum threads on it a lot getting ready for mine. My car's actually at my cage builder right now, I should have it back in about a week for some nice pics and thread updates
. They're doing an SCCA/NASA -legal custom cage for road racing, 6-point with door bars on both sides, and the footwell extension thingies. It's a top-notch shop for this work that does them regularly, and they're not charging much more than some of these kits...
I think drag racing in general is very different when it comes to the tech inspection rules and process, at least it seems that way based on my limited trips to the local NHRA strip and what I've read.