Originally Posted by tRidiot
Call me overly cautious... but I try to be meticulous. I can do your vasectomy, paralyze you, intubate you and put you on a vent, put a needle into your spine and drain cerebrospinal fluid, restart your heart if it stops beating, perform a heart cathetrization and shoot dye into your coronary arteries and put in stents to open a blockage, put a tube in your chest cavity to reinflate a punctured lung or even drain fluid off your heart from a traumatic bleed constricting its ability to pump effectively.
But yes... drilling holes for toe bolts on my baby Z is making me a little nervous!
Why don't you have a Porsche? I mean, it's cool the Z is your baby, but most the docs I work with are PCA guys. Oh, and just follow the DIYs. You can do it!