Originally Posted by Naum16
Thanks for all that information, the reason why I'm asking is because in sports mode when the 7AT comes to a stop it isn't as smooth as it use to be and the hotter the car the more rough it downshifts by itself. Makes since because I do drive the car hard and get on it a few times a day.
That's mainly a function of line pressure -- the up and down shifts can at times be a tad rough (especially down from 2 to 1, which involves getting out of lock-up and switching to fluid coupling only).
Wstar's point is well taken -- a few track days can SERIOUSLY wear down tires, brakes, and greatly heat up fluids -- but even spirited daily driving shouldn't get you anywhere near the kinds of stress you put on the car on a closed track (unless you are fleeing the police or something now and then

That's not to say an early change would hurt, but its improbable that its needed unless you track your car, and if you do that, a beefier ATF cooler wouldn't be a bad idea.