Originally Posted by Chuck33079
If you've doubled your money, why not sell your original investment and leave the gains invested? That way you don't lose a dime if it blows up.
God, I hope you're joking. If not, you really need to see someone or at the very least change your investment strategy.
You sound like a smart, sensible fellow. Thanks also for your advice. However I CAN'T change & had to get help dealing with my personality? problems? on & off since my early 20's. For the last 14 years it's been a steady visit to my VA head doctor.
I'm a H.S. dropout that happens to be smart but does many stupid things. Even when I peeked into my Dr's computer, I saw that he wrote that I'm highly intelligent.
Now back to the subject. I'm pissed because I had several opportunities to make a ton of money & blew it because of "my personality"?
Many years ago when N.Y.C. was really down & full of crime(mayor Dinkin's time) brick buildings could have been bought for 100k. I had the money/credit to buy one. Looked & thought but never bought. Today those buildings average 7/8 million dollars.
5 years ago I was on my TD Ameritrade site and saw SIRI, because of that housing fall & rumors of SIRI going bankrupt the stock dropped to 5 cents. I saw $60k available for buying & after seeing all the new cars coming in with sat. radios, I went to my computer to buy one million shares for $50k.
As I was about to place the order something distracted me to the point of leaving the computer. When I cam back the price went to 8 cents & I decided not to buy

More recent opportunities of smaller amounts were also lost. Over 2 years ago I sold short TESLA at $34. When it reached $22, I made 250k. I'm looking at that amount & my brain said buy to cover/get out! My personality convinced me that the car can't be build from scratch & will go bankrupt. I soon lost that + tens of thousands more

That ^^^^ happened a couple of more times just recently with other stocks.
I could have been one of the top one %, but ended up not
That's why I didn't take my 100% profit

I can't change