Hey everyone.... there is a big show coming up at me and friend here are planning to enter our cars with themes.... since we have no plans on competing... we planned on messing around.... and stealing the show with our riduculous wrapped cars.... my buddy has a G37 and is going for this theme...
so i was thinking hard the whole day and i remembered the movie sucker punched and i remembered the badass robot in it.... called the gentle giant... since i dont have a great imagination i was hoping someone here could help me out.... make it come alive on my z
and we were gonna hire a couple models to be some of the characters of sucker punch.... i bet even if we didnt enter our vq's to compete... we would definitely attract alot of attention from the show

if you think im silly and outrageous... thats exactly what its suppose to be.... lol i will forever be greatful to the minds that help me make this come true..

show is in dec 16....