Originally Posted by ZeroZeta
Hi Mt Tam I am. Yes unfortunately they were gone. I parked in a business/industrial lot (think of your typical lot in a business park) there were cars around - likely commercial, as well as some tree cover. They could have just been crossing the lot on foot or had gotten into one of the few random cars in the area. I walked around when I got there and no-one was to be found. So I scribbled my frustration down anyway.
Oh and I seem to have gotten lucky. No visible scratches but there is this weird smudge on my hatch that I couldn't get off with a microfiber towel. It is kind of oily like sun-tan lotion. Instead of coming off with the towel it just moved around. It could be from a boob or a hand. Hopefully a wash and some Meguir's spray detailer will remove the "trail."
Man, I really don't understand what goes through people's heads anymore.
Could be worse though - I was driving through Atlanta once in the late 90s (about 4am) and coming off the interstate was a photo-shoot of a couple screwing on a car in a parking lot. There were some of those super bright lights the professional photographers used. So I guess they were shooting a porno...
Wouldn't want to have to clean that one up ha ha. Bad enough that my 370 had to go through this minor "bad touch" trauma. Maybe she will feel better once I order her FI exhaust. 
I delivered a pizza during college to a porno crew. To a house my friends family owned in past years and I had slept over many times there.
"This is where Betty confesses to Chuck her secret desires." A couple of chicks and a dude with the 1970's stud look, another two moving a brass bed around.
I got paid and left. No embellishment of participation.