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Old 10-22-2013, 11:06 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Joepro View Post
Whats the volume difference between them? I have non res now, the tone is stupid awesome at wot, but daily driving at low rpms its rattling my brain...
The difference is pretty significant. The 18 inchers are pretty tame when idling, or cruising around town if you're not gunning it. When you get on it though they come to life. Talking with someone on the phone isn't a problem either. The non res can make that difficult sometimes even if you're just driving normally. I very roughly estimated that there's maybe a 30-40% difference in sound overall.
2012 GM 6MT sports package | FI non res cf exhaust | K&N Drop Ins | Viper 3303 security system w/ tilt sensor | GTR start button | 35% rear 45% side window tint | Michelin PSS
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