Originally Posted by kenchan
goodam everyone.  dropping in to say
sounds good, mr. gale. yah, for me yesterday was perfect for my last drive because it was 35-37F when i started (some roads were damp, but no salt on the ground yet so no salty splash up), and by the time i was cleaning up my car in the garage, it was a comfy 50F.
honestly it's really tiring checking weather and road conditions not to get salt on the car before storage. best to just decide when to put away and execute.
hope you feel better, mspint. wasn't feeling too good either this am. probably ate too much last night. 

hey Kenchan!!
I do not want to "execute" Harry! LOL or any type of plan that involves a car cover for him. Not yet anyways. SUpposed to be sunny and 67F here today!