Originally Posted by Alstann
Yep, that is correct, it is a single flare. All the connections and couplers have/are done via straight single flares, and I went over it with a mechanic and he verified that as well. He also mentioned that if I did a bubble flare, it would have the same effect as a single flare, but I could do those as well if people would rather have it that way.
That would be for the Tilton clutch SLAVE cylinder (the one inside the transmission), my friend.  Joe@ZSpeed was the only person I know of that was doing design into an aftermarket master cylinder, but I don't think there have been new updates on that.
Also, it is highly recommended that people change the slave cylinder to aftermarket. Those usually break first. 
Ahhhh, derp, Master, like title says. Quite an ambitious project. Keep on trucking mate. Hoping that I never need to touch my master

Would be a sexy match for the tilton CSC for sure. Yeah, finals....I hear ya, just completed my bachelors, I get rewarded with...more school! Get yours bro!