Originally Posted by ZForce
Probably already been answered in the 199 pages of this thread, but I am not going to go thru all 199 pages.
So here goes, Tony, what gaskets are coming with the exhaust and F.I HFC's ?
Do I need to replace any gaskets ? Which are going to be reused if any?
My apologies for not answering this sooner. Here is the breakdown below:
FI TP/RTP/HFC/RHFC: 2- 3 Bolt HR Manifold Gaskets / 2- 2 Bolt Gaskets.
FI TDX CBE: 2- 2 Bolt Gaskets / 2- 3 Bolt Gaskets
In the event that you retain stock cats in conjunction with our TDX CBE, reuse the stock 2 bolt gaskets on the bottom of the catalytic converters.
Thanks, Tony