Something just came to me I think will explain better.
Imagine a vein in your arm with a syringe of blood stuck in. Your rasp is a gap of blood flow. When there is a gap the syringe (Helmholtz resonators with stored air pressure) will automatically inject blood to fill the gap and in a car will take away the rasp as it injects air back in. This helps with scavenging because the flow is kept up with no gaps. In fact the air doesn't inject in because it acts as vacuum and the air is sucked into the gap of flow. That's why art pipes make more than just straight test pipes.
This also would work with a garden hose as an example which we all can see everyday. When you first turn it on the water spits and sputter out the end because in between the water (in a car it would be exhaust gas) is air gaps. These gaps of air slow the flow and the water pressure sucks. Now if you had syringes of water stuck in the hose to inject water every time a air gap was seen, the flow would be 100% out the end of the nozzle from then second you turned on the faucet. If you have rasp, you have power loss.
13 370z-
Last edited by synolimit; 10-16-2013 at 11:10 PM.