BRIDE Zeta III seats and NRG Innovations steering wheel hub/gen 2.5 quick release/deep dish steering wheel are in!
The seats fit perfectly and install was a snap! Due to time constraints I didn't transfer over the passenger seat weight sensor from the stock seat but plan on doing so after SEMA sometime
The steering wheel should have been an easy install but a screwed up bolt on the stock wheel made it a pain in the ***. That, and somehow I lost the horn button that came with the wheel

. Once I got the stock airbag/wheel off the car the install was a snap, except I do have one complaint that I will be discussing with NRG so they can fix this in the future. With their hub, you are not able to re-install the factory steering position sensor. This doesn't affect any of the driveability of the car but it does cause the VDC and Slip lights to come on the dash. I didn't think to try driving with the VDC on yet, which I should probably do, but I never drive with VDC on anyway. The fix is simple and hopefully they will make the change. Because the deep dish wheel/hub/quick release combo puts the steering wheel much closer to the driver it lets me get my optimal driving position. I was a bit worried that it would come out too far, but it is perfect!