Originally Posted by skidad62
Oct 31 is last day for me - we have seasonal plates here Apr 1 - Oct 31 (allows us not to run a front plate). Weather is closing in fast by then for us anyway.
I do an oil change, fuel stabilizer, full detail, carpet under tires, dryer sheets in the car (helps deter mice), crack the windows 1/2 inch, put a few containers of opened baking soda inside, steel wool in the exhaust tips (again to keep mice out), unhook the battery, car cover. Turn the lights out til spring.
If you start your car periodically be sure to bring it up to full operating temps - otherwise creates water in the cats that will sit otherwise.
... it gets cold n snowy up here in the North lol
LOL, I can relate to those snow depths.
Those are good points with the dryer sheets. And steel wool deters mice too?
kenchan, what is DiCon?