Originally Posted by Pintsize725
We do have cats though.......

the birds will be in a cage. And if your cats are well fed they won't have a taste for parakeet! Lol
Originally Posted by b15
How was the drive? 
Originally Posted by onzedge
It was a big rip-off. I left later than I should have and it put me right in the big traffic hump. 

uh oh. Unhappy Onze.
Originally Posted by gurneyeagle
Just got the quote from our healthcare provider on the Company's 2014 premium. It's going UP 48% due to the anticipated effects of the new health care law.
Some of this gets passed down to the employees through their matching, and the rest nails the bonus pool.
Now I can understand why smaller companies are cutting employees' hours back below full-time, and eliminating positions altogether. Scary.
Sorry, not trying to be political here, just stating a fact that will eventually directly impact my mod fund!

sigh. My company hasn't announced anything yet, other than the current coverage meets the "minimum requirements". I was afraid of what you are talking about. Less money for me. Again.