Originally Posted by Isamu
 chillin like a villian at work.. I have a "don't be a jerk when I twerk" briefing here in an hour..  gotta love the sexual assault stuff we train on
but it should be an early day! 

no such meeting required at our office. nothing sexual going on with cattle farm.
Originally Posted by carlitos_370z
hahahahaha yes bro.... i see a lot of this threads and i say  forget that... im going to use the same that i use on my STi and my girlfriend Subaru Impreza... I never have any issues and for me works great!!! lets see how work on the Z... but for me its the same sh*t hahhahaa!!!
man post some of those designs maybe some of the vendors are interested and can make that happend.... you never knows 

yep, the engine was made for consumer use. the car is geared a tad more for enthusiasts, but it's still a jack and jill car. no special things needed.