Originally Posted by Chuck33079
Since you think the end game is to have everyone give up their coverage and just pay the penalty, do you think that would improve or worsen the financial position of this country? Hint- It won't make things better.
And asking "why can the government print more money and deficit spend, but individuals cannot" shows that you really don't have a grasp on how things actually work. I'm done explaining things to you. You ask a question, and when it's answered, you either disregard it, add in a conspiracy theory or some chicken little bs or move the goalposts. It is impossible to debate the uninformed.
Chuck, should have quit two pages ago....
Employers of 50 or more ft employees have to offer coverage or face a 2000 pet person penalty under aca.
The same guy who bitches about having to buy his or her insurance when they need to realize the insurance offer at mcdonalds is not free. You have to pay for it yourself at a much higher cost. If u want to go without it, then thanks for sticking everyone else with the bill