Originally Posted by andre12031948
I don't really get your question. The balance sheet for the country????
We can't get a balanced budget to save our life, as they say. We freaken spent 17 trillion more than we have, most of it in the last 5 years, second place goes to the other guy before this cl-wn.
Since you think the end game is to have everyone give up their coverage and just pay the penalty, do you think that would improve or worsen the financial position of this country? Hint- It won't make things better.
And asking "why can the government print more money and deficit spend, but individuals cannot" shows that you really don't have a grasp on how things actually work. I'm done explaining things to you. You ask a question, and when it's answered, you either disregard it, add in a conspiracy theory or some chicken little bs or move the goalposts. It is impossible to debate the uninformed.