Originally Posted by Chuck33079
And when that person gets hit with something far worse than a broken arm, costs are passed to you. Period. Doctors don't let people die in the streets for lack of insurance. You are already paying for these people's medical care.
Most people get their insurance through their employer. That won't change. The ACA pushed employers who didn't previously offer insurance to employees to set up group plans. Individuals who aren't offered insurance through their employer can purchase their own plan on the open marketplace, or pay a $95 tax penalty.
Is it really political when you don't talk about parties & blame but to JUST discuss the # one story in the news today???
I feel/think eventually the private sector will end providing health care & pay the fine which is much less than paying for private health care. Then again maybe the Govt. made that fine for corporation small just so the companies did just that. Sounds like a good idea to get huge numbers signing on to the ACA.