There are many obstructions in that area of the tank and the overall cutaway shape is very complex. There is also a longitudal baffle to be dealt with.
It's a good idea in theory but I have my doubts it could be done real world.
I don't think magnets will be strong enough to handle the weight of fuel pushing it.. It's very heavy.
I have always wondered how much it could possibly help though if someone were to try cramming the area with fuel cell foam. It will not fix it 100% but it might help enough to make a difference. This, and your idea, could potentially make filling the tank a bit of a hassle as I imagine the gas pump stopping short and having to wait a moment for fuel to transfer through (the filler is on the same side as the pump), then filling more... Possibly several times, or maybe not at all. Could be worth a shot for how cheap it is?
Anyway, if you want to try your idea..I could try my best to make you a template from my R&D tank.. But it will have to be a ways off to one side to avoid all the items in the fuel tank.
I think a permenantly attached wall with one way flaps would be a more successful twist of your idea.
I dunno... Food for thought anyway. I attached a picture for you, not sure if it will work right from my iPad.