Originally Posted by ElVee
I'd love to disagree here, as I think there is precedent on who is considered included in a riot (aka mob violence) or not, but I'm not versed enough in it. I can just futilely say I disagree and whimper into the corner. 
To be clear here I'm not arguing what
I think should be the case, I'm just pointing out what is. My personal opinions on matters like this is they should never happen because guys that recklessly endanger the public like this should have been placed in jail a long time ago.
The dude that got run over was cited many times for driving without a license. The fact that he's free indicates a painful failing of the legal system. This should have never happened because half those bikers should have already been in jail.
But, it's important to not set dangerous precedents either. Built by association seems fine in this case, but it would be a bummer if you were on a forum that got out of hand and you wound up in jail because of it.
Caving to bad rules in order to catch bad guys in one case leads to things like a ball-fondling surcharge on your plane tickets, or rules like the Canadian-street-racing car impound (if you're in a nice car near a street race, you lose your car)