Thanks for the DIY Simota1!
I finished my paint job over the weekend. I did have a question for everyone that has done this. How did you handle the gap between the part on the cover that you were painting red and the non painted black part?
I taped down into the gap but didn't cover the bottom of the channel completely.
After my paint job I had a few small slivers of of the original silver paint in that channel that were still showing through. I guess I should have left it completely uncovered so the paint should have gone all the way down.
Anyway if this happens to anyone else - I went to a local art store and bought a few black extra fine point paint pens that were able to get into the grooves. I also used the paint from the pens and a very fine brush to get into the curved corners. The paint is perfect for detail work since it has the consistency of water color paint (easy to manipulate) but handles more like enamel as it dries.
Anyway happy with the results but pretty sure I made more work for myself than I needed to.
Last edited by ZeroZeta; 10-02-2013 at 04:52 PM.