Originally Posted by andre12031948
Heavy bike traffic stopped on a highway/road. An SUV coming from the back into sight & accelerating. Bikers jump/try to get out of the way. One doesn't make it & gets run over. If the rest didn't get out of the way, they also would have been run over & maybe killed. The SUV doesn't stop after going over the bike & biker but goes forward even faster. That's what I saw on that video 
What the heck are you talking about? Try watching it on a larger monitor. It happens fast but you'll notice one guy hitting the window on the driver side and another guy in white shirt near the front passenger tire in what looks like a stabbing motion a moment before the RR guy guns it. The traffic was stopped because the bikers stopped it. He bumped the biker because the biker clearly brake-checked him. He's looking backwards for Christ sake.
Just my observation of course...